Thursday, April 24, 2008


Black Rabbit said...


Is Jonathan Evans wearing the Templar 'golden chain' nowadays?

Anonymous said...

He is custodian of it and along with the 'icecream' i.e. human sperm trade.

Black Rabbit said...

Not unlike Chief Wiggum in the latest THE SIMPSONS comic then?

Anonymous said...

Why does Tomlinson have 'golden balls'? He was only known to have cheesy balls when I was 'in service' - never washed - stank to high heaven.

Anonymous said...

Rimington, looking good after her obsessive Pilates classes, I can see.

Anonymous said...

Click on the image to get a better view.

Anonymous said...

anybody would like to tell me what really happens with Kevin Fulton? did they really murder Michael Todd? Just write your answer coded, I should be able to figure it out, I just got really muddy memory.

also I do not think it is human sperm trade honestly, just a big joke.

Anonymous said...

black rabbit is right, he is certainly wearing templar's golden chain

does anybody know that he still likes to be abused by his wife anymore? maybe not, but yet he might just have the nerve and courage to be a master of his wife. if the lord did so much thing to him, wouldn't we expect that he would be protecting the lord's vessel. We clearly do not see that...

Anonymous said...

Hi Em
just letting you know that I am reading your black rabbit blog.
I hope you don't mind.
If you feel you need anything just ask
There are people who care about you who will help if they can

Anonymous said...
